This was a quick contest and I’m going to keep this post quick too. We challenged you in just about 2 weeks to come up with some of your best Halloween designs and while some of you had a head start…
Ever since I built my very first 3D printer, I’ve been driven by the idea of making...
We just started shipping the Prusa CORE One assembled version and opened the orders for kits, and...
Many of you have eagerly awaited an update on the Prusa CORE One and I'm happy to...
This was a quick contest and I’m going to keep this post quick too. We challenged you in just about 2 weeks to come up with some of your best Halloween designs and while some of you had a head start…
We can all agree that big elaborate prints are incredible, and we love seeing the power of these machines that we have all come to love, but sometimes you just want something now, not days from now. For example, over the…
With our most recent contest, we challenged our community to create accessories and upgrades to existing commercial products and no surprise you all ran with it and created numerous amazing designs. The entries are in now so let’s take a look…
We have come to the end of our Games competition, and I have to say, I’ve never had as much fun judging one of our contests as I did with this one. You all made some amazing games and getting to…
Companies spend a lot of time and energy designing products, but despite that, they don’t always hit the mark or sometimes we just want things our own way. Thankfully as Makers, we have the option to shape the things in our…
It’s summer here in the northern hemisphere and for many of you that means the kids are out of school and you are spending more family time together. One of our favorite ways to spend time with family and friends is…
Our latest contest, Time Keepers, has wrapped and it’s time to announce our winners. I love clocks, I think they are not only a great examples of engineering and ingenuity but also a perfect way to show off your style. When…
It’s time for our next contest and this time it’s all about time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, we want to see your ideas for the age old problem of how to measure and track the moments of…
We are now fully in the beginning of the gardening season and thanks to all of you, it should be a good one. In our latest competition for Gardening helpers, our fellow PrusaPrinters users created over 500 designs that should help…
When I was asked to come up with the theme for our next contest, I reached out to some of the community and the most common answer I got was “organization”, little did I know you all would respond with such…