We’re launching Black Friday deals in our e-shop – and it’s more than just free shipping this year! Also, I have some important news about the Original Prusa MINI 3D printer, which will start shipping in just a few days!
Black Friday…
Ever since I built my very first 3D printer, I’ve been driven by the idea of making...
We just started shipping the Prusa CORE One assembled version and opened the orders for kits, and...
Many of you have eagerly awaited an update on the Prusa CORE One and I'm happy to...
We’re launching Black Friday deals in our e-shop – and it’s more than just free shipping this year! Also, I have some important news about the Original Prusa MINI 3D printer, which will start shipping in just a few days!
Black Friday…
Our first designer contest at PrusaPrinters.org was a massive success! With over 150 submitted models, we had a really tough time deciding who was the best. Huge thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to winners! And ever since the contest…
We still have a couple of weeks until the holiday season, but here’s an early gift for you: I’m excited to announce our brand new Original Prusa MINI, a smart and compact 3D printing workhorse with all the bells and whistles…
Autumn is nearly upon us and even though Summer is usually the time for holidays and vacations, we’re pretty busy here in Prague! We’re releasing a new firmware, new materials, new PrusaSlicer versions… oh, and by the way, we also managed…
On August 16th, 2019, Prusa Research set a new world record for the Most 3D printers operating simultaneously with 1096 3D printers operating at the same time in one room. The record was officially confirmed by a representative of Guinness World…
Ten years ago, when you wanted to print anything on a RepRap 3D printer, you had pretty much only one option: ABS. It wasn’t exactly easy to get everything right. Printing ABS without a heated bed introduced a number of issues….
One hundred thousand Original Prusa printers. Well, actually over 130,000 at the time of writing this article! I would have never imagined that this is where we would be in just a few years. It’s no longer just me and Michal…
The first five months of 2019 are over and we have already released four big announcements. After MK3S and MMU2S in February, it was the launch of new community website PrusaPrinters.org and two weeks ago, we have released PrusaSlicer 2.0. However,…
It has been full 3 years since we started our in-house development of Slic3r, later adding Prusa Edition (PE) to make less confusion with the naming. However, the programs are radically different now, plus, the community keeps using the Slic3r and…
UPDATE (25/04/2019):
Hello everyone, the launch is now behind us and it is an enormous success: almost 5000 users signed up in just two days! Thank you everyone! As with every launch, a couple of topics came up which need to be…