Many of you have eagerly awaited an update on the Prusa CORE One and I’m happy to share one right now! We had a pretty busy holiday season: all our testing units were running nonstop. The firmware team is ironing out all the remaining kinks and everything looks good. There’s also a very interesting update to the CORE One’s hardware! But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s take it from the start.
Getting review units ready, final units in close pursuit
Right now, we’re going through the last part of internal testing. Even though the CORE One shares many of the proven parts with the MK4S, it’s still a vastly different printer and it takes much more than just remapping the axes in the firmware to make it work.
For the past several weeks, we’ve been preparing new assembly stations, adjusting testing machines, and more. This is all part of an ongoing process. Last year, we heavily focused on boosting our entire manufacturing to avoid delays. I hope it was quite noticeable with the much-improved availability of the MK4S and HT90, and we’re doing our best to continue the trend. As promised, the first units of the Prusa CORE One will be sent to customers by the end of January. When you order the Prusa CORE One assembled now, with the current queue length, we expect to ship it in March.
And if you want a little behind-the-scenes sneak-peak, we have a short video showing the drop tests. These are necessary to ensure that even if your package is handled with little care, the printer inside survives. However, we had to adjust one thing to meet all the requirements: the assembled printer now comes with the LCD Panel unmounted, otherwise the risk of damage would be too high. When you unpack your assembled printer, you simply need to attach the cable to the LCD panel and tighten two screws. Other than that, the printer is truly “plug and print”.
Cable chain? Umbilical? Introducing the SwingArm!
We love to innovate and we constantly improve our existing printers. Even with the tight time constraints in the development of the CORE One, we reworked a vital part of the printer before release. I’m talking about the energy chain – it’s a flexible plastic chain that leads the cables and filament to the extruder. It’s pretty sleek and looks cool, however, it has a major disadvantage: everything is stuffed extremely tight inside it, to the point where it becomes impossible to replace the cables without removing the connectors. This didn’t sit right with us. After all, we want the printer to be extremely easy to assemble, run, and maintain.
So we came up with a different solution. We call it the SwingArm – it’s a short, hinged metal arm that guides the textile-sleeved cable bundle. The arm’s length and movement are carefully optimized to minimize strain on the cables. It’s a rather ingenious solution (pardon the little pat on our back) because it makes mounting or replacing the cables a breeze – you simply remove a couple of velcro fasteners and that’s it. It’s lightweight, space-efficient, and doesn’t cause any additional resistance. And we’re able to manufacture it locally! 🙂
This is all part of the CORE One’s philosophy. We want it to be the best investment in 3D printing: you’ll get outstanding print quality, reliability, easy maintenance, high speed, and all the bells and whistles you would expect from a Prusa printer. And when there’s better hardware available, you have the option to simply replace what’s necessary and continue printing. It’s like when you buy a proper gaming PC – you don’t have to replace the whole machine every time a new GPU comes out.
Update on Accessories
Chamber Camera: The camera will start shipping in late February. If you already ordered the Prusa CORE One, you can edit your order and add the camera, however, please note that the order will be shipped only when the camera becomes available – i.e., late February. If you want to receive your CORE One faster, please make a separate order for the camera.
Advanced Filtration: It’s based on the XL’s Advanced Filtration solution (includes a HEPA filter, carbon filter, and a high-pressure blower), it connects to the rear side of the printer, and we’re aiming for late February / early March. Just like with the camera, you have the option to add it to your existing CORE One order, however, it will push back the shipping date of your printer until the Advanced Filtration is also ready for shipping.
MMU3 for the CORE One: development & testing are underway, and we’re making the final changes. The MMU3 unit is mounted on top of the frame, and the set includes a custom top cover for the CORE One. Then, the final testing will commence before we’re ready to wrap everything up and start shipping. Our current estimation is April 2025. We really pushed the reliability of the MMU3 as far as we could and there are plenty of examples with huge, complicated prints that were finished flawlessly, with zero interventions and zero tinkering. Plus, don’t forget that the MMU3 is the most material-efficient single-extruder solution out there!
*Please note that this is a photo of a pre-production prototype, the top cover will be transparent (same material as the door/side windows) and may have slightly different shape
There are many ways to make the MMU3 work with the CORE One. The setup portraid above, the one we’ll be offering, is very close to how MMU3 works with the MK4S, down to details such as the length of the PTFE to the print head. This setup is reliable, efficient, it doesn’t require many new expensive parts, and we know what to expect from it. With that said, we are exploring different ways to integrate the MMU3 with the CORE One, especially focusing on the form factor—a common request we’ve heard from the community. These alternative setups could include mounting the spools above, below, or even on the side. But these solutions are likely to be more expensive, and each comes with its own set of trade-offs. We’re still in the process of evaluating them, so I don’t want to make any promises about timelines or even confirm that we’ll definitely offer one of these alternatives.
With all of that said, here’s a sneak peek at one of the early prototypes we’ve been working on. The whole spool holder and MMU3 unit can slide out for easy maintenance, and we’ve integrated the buffer right below the spools. It’s still a crude prototype, but I thought it was too cool not to share! 🙂
This is NOT A PROTOTYPE OF AN UPCOMING PRODUCT, it’s slapped together with hot glue and just an exploration of one of the possible development paths
We are working on an injection-molded Drybox that fits neatly on the spoolholder. Those of you who visited our booth at Formnext may have seen a prototype. Once we’re done with adjustments and testing, we should be ready to release it in April-May.
And this is far from everything! Our community has been incredibly active even before the printer’s launch. We have published STEP files of both side panels so that designers could already start with various ideas and the results are pretty awesome. We especially like the SKADIS Mod by ScottWolfs!
Update on Shipping Dates
So, a quick recap: the assembled version of the Prusa CORE One will start shipping by the end of January (next week). In the announcement article, we gave an estimation on the availability of the Assembly Kit and the Conversion Kit and I’m happy to say that we are on the right track to meet the projected timeframe, with only a small difference – we will swap the order of kit releases.
The Prusa CORE One Assembly Kit is now scheduled for March 2025 and the Conversion Kit (MK4S->CORE One) will follow in April. If you still have the original MK4 3D printer, we will also offer a bundle that will contain both the MK4S upgrade and the CORE One Conversion Kit – it’s necessary to have the “S” upgrade parts as they are used during the assembly of the CORE One.
We’re planning to enable orders of both the Assembly Kit and Conversion Kit once the assembled version starts shipping, and we will announce it 24 hours before it happens on our social media channels. If you want to receive the notification, you can already set up a watchdog in our store, so you’ll be notified as soon as the orders go live!
So, this is it – at least for now. We’ll keep you updated on the progress and availability of accessories.
Happy printing!
Love the swingarm. I made something similar to run the vacuum hose on my CNC.
Will the MK4S>CORE One conversion kit be compatible with my MK3.9S? I’d love to upgrade my printer as soon as possible.
I would guess you would just need the 0.9 XY stepper motors to make it as if you have a MK4 since that's the only difference between the 3.9 and 4.
Unlikely. Its sad that prusa did so much fragmentation. They aren’t able to support all derivatives.
There's always a way,.. they're just (probably) not ready yet. You can always upgrade from MK3.9S to MK4S to Core One… There's a reason why they fist start with full assembled and later the kits and upgrade kits… They wanna start shipping as soon as possible… so they have to make decisions… I can't promise, but I think those kits will come too (there are many 3.9 on the market)
Unfortunately no. Only MK4s can be upgraded. But we are working on an article that will summarize the extra parts you will need so you can order them separately
It is great that you guys are planning on publishing a list. I've already suggested to a couple people to wait for the upgrade instructions to come out and figure out what parts on the MK4S that will be used that aren't on their specific model and buy the extra parts a la carte from the store. Officially published list(s) from Prusa would take away user anxiety about missing a part.
Is there an article or a post that guide how to upgrade from 3.5 to MK4S? (what parts to print, what parts to order? some assembly guidance?)
Thank you
I have upgrade the mk3.5 to mk4s. All the printed parts where included in the upgrade kit.
Sounds great overall! When can we expect to get a shipping date on our order page?
Really excited about the printer, it looks like a great upgrade. Congrats 👍
MMU3, although it works fantastic (on my MK4), in reality it’s the one thing holding the Core ONE back…. due to the buffer required and Ptfe tubes running everywhere (and overall loading process). The top cover doesn’t hide the shame coming off the side of the machine 😉
I’d be disappointed if you guys don’t have an “AMS” like solution up your sleeves 🤞🙏
Prusa had something like the AMS it was the MMU1. I bought it an never installed it as I went directly to the mmu2- upgrade now with the mmu3 upgrade I hesitate to install it since the new MK4S works just perfect.
Sure, so proprietary RFID chips for profiles that only work with their filament? LMFAO.
The ams does not require Bambu filament nor RFID…it acts like any other mmu system when it comes to filament loading and filament profiles…
Thanks for the update, looking forward to getting hands on.
Regarding the MMU3, the second option with spools on top and tidy is *much* better than the one with them just splayed out to the side. I personally wouldn't consider buying that option. I do hope you offer a variant of the second prototype soon as form factor was a huge part of the decision to buy a core one.
Really excited for the printer, thanks for the update.
I love the spoolbox on top solution and I would love to see this as a purchasable product. Even if it costs 200€ more, I'd still buy it. This would reduce the footprint of the printer + MMU dramatically.
I would also like to vote for the spool box on top. Preferably a heated option to help with humidity.
I hope the upgrade kit works for the MK3.9S as well as the MK4S. I own both printers and wish to upgrade them both.
Unfortunately no. Only MK4s can be upgraded. But we are working on an article that will summarize the extra parts you will need so you can order them separately
Asymptotically approaching completion!
Wonder why they swapped the order to shipping assembly kits ahead of conversion kits. I bought a MK4S thinking it was the quickest path. Thanks, Joe. 😒
I like the all-in-one prototype and am interested in replacing MK4 with it once the factory build option is production-ready. I would like it to have some form of mmu3 bypass on the spool, so I can put there FLEX material.
One of the biggest problems I have with the mmu physically is the sheer amount of space it takes up. Without wall mounting it, it takes up almost as much counter space as my mk3s and bottom 2.4 250mm. I hope that there is at least the option to get the "top hat" style mmu enclosure, even if it is more expensive option. It would greatly improve the usability of the mmu and wife approval factor.
I do hope the software is better with the core one than the mk3s. I've had many frustrating nights caused by the software attempting to be far smarter than it actually is.
To be fair, the large amount of space required for the MMU3 isn't the MMU itself, rather the filament management space requirements (really more of a suggestion). What is needed is a space efficient filament spool management either with a built-in buffer, mounting for the existing buffer, or some sort of respooler mechanism. With an integrated buffer or respooler mechanism the entire filament path can be kept enclosed to be able to print long projects with hygroscopic filaments. I don't know how well the clutched spring respooling filament holders work (never tried them). It might be possible for a 3rd party to come up with a tension based active respooling filament holder.
As a service business owner having manny machines, I'd prefer the top loading option with the cover, specially if it could also serve as a dry box.
My current MK4S setup has the buffer inside of the enclosure. I feel like it helps dry the filament by having it in there while the printer heats up and during operation. If there can be a way to integrate the buffer into the enclosure with the Core One, then that's a win in my book.
Your package drop testing is only 1 of several tests that I do for my company for product design testing in our Hardware Test Center (HTC). We have a couple machines to ensure repeatability on dropping our packaged products, the one shown in the video and a newer one that is easier to use on big, heavy products. See the 26 second mark of this video:
(The testing shown is on a previous generation of one of my company's products. The current generation has gone through all these tests as well.)
Repeatability only makes you fix individual problems. Dropping things randomly is the real test ;-).
I don't want to get into an argument here, but repeatability (at drop height) is important for a couple reasons. If you can't repeat the conditions that made the previous iteration fail, how do you know that you've solved the discovered issue? Also, without repeatability one can't test to standards, either industry standards or company standards.
Random is ok for investigation, but not for qualification.
Very nice but when is the firmware and 3d files for the core one on the planning of being released on GitHub ?
It is sad to see Prusa slowly moving to be not open source and more Bambu Lab like.
They aren't even shipping any units yet. Let them ship some units to start making back development costs before giving away all the keys to copying it.
If you go with the fully enclosed MMU3 I would hope there would still be a version that's more affordable without the enclosure (I never understood people's gripe with the spools being on the side)
I wonder if it would be better to have 3 SKUs.
1. MMU unit by itself.
2. MMU filament management like is currently is (cartridge buffer, spool mount, and PTFE tubing to fit).
3. MMU filament management on the top with an enclosure with integrated buffer.
Then the customer orders #1 and can then pick and choose #2 or #3. This leaves flexibility for other MMU filament management solutions (either by Prusa or the 3rd party market).
Great idea!
So the MMU cover is one of the reasons you bought the 12000 kN injection molding press? 🙂
Will it be possible to use the existing MMU3 or existing Advanced Filtration System for the Core One as well? I ordered both before the Core One Announcement and decided to wait with their implementation until the conversion kit comes out…
I spoke with support today about the filtration system; it is a different size from the other enclosures.
As for the MMU3; I didn't ask about their implementation on that, since currently it's a low list priority item for me.
Regardless, I'd cancel both orders and wait for their announcements on it; if you're like me with a collection of machines, the MMU3 ownership isn't a big deal. However, if you're buying specifically a core one, I'd wait for those specific components.
Really liking the MMU with integrated box and buffer. I am currently running multiple 10 and 12 color setups on the Mk4 and it has been a pleasure, I really hope you take this into consideration and look into the community mod that still uses the original MMU and gets you an additional 7 colors. The community may want more than 5 colors. I run this setup in half the space 3 AMS Bambu units and Printer take up without a hiccup.
What is the mod that adds 7 additional colors? This is the first I’ve heard of it.
So I bought a MK4S specifically because the conversion kit was supposed to ship first, and I didn’t want a pre-assembled printer. Now the full kit is shipping earlier, which I find a bit annoying. I’ll have spent more $$ out of pocket, and now I have to wait longer that if I’d just purchased a full kit when they’re released. I understand basing purchase decisions on future possibilities is a risk, but it would help if this didn’t feel like an arbitrary change.
As with the MK4 the pre-assembled version always comes first than a little later the build or conversion kit. The Core One Conversion kit is announced for March 2025 …
The top mounted solution is exactly the form factor I am looking for! I really hope you will continue development, and if not, that you will help support the community in developing it ourselves 🙂
I had to look up "energy chain" – the context made reasonably clear what you meant, but I'd never heard that phrase.
in my world this is always called "drag chain", or "cable carrier" (the latter being a bit ambiguous)
lol. "Energy Chain" is probably a translation bug, each language having a slightly different colloquialization for the same item.
If the originally planned drag chain was too full for easy maintenance, it was probably overfilled from the start. You want some slack space around the contents of a drag chain to avoid pinching and weird tugging during use.
I'm not sure if I missed it or not, but I bought the MK4S with MMU3 on Black Friday. Will the MMU3 for Core One be completely new or use some of the old MMU3 parts. And I assume it will be a seperate purchse/upgrad for the MMU3, Right?
Oh, and 1 more thing. I assume the buffer syestem will still be needed ….will it be the same or will that change? Thanks again…
Yes, the buffer is also the same. There might be slight changes to tubing and other minor updates.
Hello. The MMU3 for MK4s is the same as the one for MK4s. You will probably need just some new tubes and cables, but the MMU itself is the same.
Just to clarify, does this mean that if I have the MK4S with MMU3 can I order the Core One conversion kit and then order any necessary MMU3 parts to make it compatible with the Core One later?
For us to even consider the MMU3 it would need to be in the form factor shown in your second prototype on top of the printer. We would also need filament loading to be quick and easy (ideally motorized) and not finicky like it currently is with the buffers. Also, I'd really like to see integrated active filament drying. If that criteria could be met, I could easily see my company adding the MMU3 to all our planned Core Ones in the farm (about 20). We would be willing to pay more than the current MMU3 price as well.
Minor spelling correction:
In the MMU section the line "The setup portraid above," should be portrayed, not portraid.
I am so excited for this. I've just placed my order today with my local supplier. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get here!
That swing arm is a clever choice! The Pantheon Design Team has it too on their HS3.
i hope the camera will work wit Mk4s in original enclosure 🙂
Hello. Yes, it should work. It is the same camera as the Buddy3D camera. It just has a different body
Looking forward to the conversion kit! Great job!
What about the Buddy3D cam? Today was a firmware upgrade marathon on those cams. What changed?
Hello, you can see the changelog here
I would like to see a setup, where the spools are located UNDER the printer.
The reasoning is:
If you have to reach over the printer while it's standing on a table, it becomes more difficult for short people and kids to swap filament.
I'm thinking along the lines of a drawer-like system with a bottom-hinged door.
You open the door, so it becomes a small table area. Then pull out each spool-drawer, swap, push back in, close lid.
Allow for peoble to diy heating solutions that turns the drawer-box into a filament dryer…
(Being 6"1, reaching over is more a wifey issue, but U know: happy wife = bigger filament budget)
I second the MMU under the Printer!
Wouldn't that replace the challenge of swapping filaments with the challenge of swapping or cleaning nozzles, checking the first print layer, etc.? And it would make the printer even more top-heavy, increasing the likelihood (and/or amplitude) of vibrations when the Core XY mechanism moves around.
Nah, I think the printer itself should stay solidly "grounded" on its bench/table/shelf, with filaments mounted above it or on the side. Maybe an enclosed filament rack that can optionally be wall-mounted or placed on a shelf above or next to the printer, to keep the bulk of the printer itself manageable in case you need to move it?
"Wouldn't that replace the challenge of swapping filaments with the challenge of swapping or cleaning nozzles, checking the first print layer, etc.?"
Certainly, but how often do you need to do that, relative to changing filament?
With the MK4S enclosed on a table, I have to bend down into an uncomfortable position to get a good look at the nozzle. It would be easier for me if the printer were up higher.
…and the bed comes down…
Vibration might be an issue. I agree.
But if made stable enough, I would expect it to be of limited consequence (but likely expensive).
Looks very nice. I am planning to buy the Assembly Kit. I already have an older MK3 with the MMU3 and I will give the MK3 (without the MMU) to my school. Will there be a kit with the missing parts for the MMU3 so I can use it on the core?
I'm pretty disappointed that the upgrade kits from MK4S to CoreXY got pushed back in favor of shipping the full kits first. I'm sure there were some economics taken into consideration with the decision, but it hurts a bit being an existing customer and getting the backseat.
I love that you are working on/experimenting with a more compact/enclosed MMU.
Thank you for keeping upgrade path open.
I really like the mmu image above it looks great nice and tidy and everything accessible. It will be great to see how this is finalised
For the love of god, give us option 2. Who has the space for the current MMU setup if you run a shop with multiple machines???
A drybox like this is exactly what the MMU needs! In fact, a product like this would be the feature that determines whether I move from a MK4S to a Core One or not.
A drybox is a very good start, but here's a very bold wishlist that would add a huge amount of value:
* Give it an autoload-feature to avoid manually feeding 100cm of filament every time
* Use the autoload motors to back-load the buffer and stop the print if backloading fails (this eliminates filament-stuck-to-spool issues and also reduces the necessary pulling force from the extruder)
* An RFID reader for every spool. This makes the workflow nicer, but more importantly, allows tracking the remaining content of individual spools. And then give us a bag of blank RFID chips we can clip to our spools and program ourselves, because nobody wants a closed ecosystem. The MK4 already has NFC and a nice display we can use for programming and I'm sure PrusaConnect can be used to read that data into PrusaSlicer.
Stretch goal would be able to read & write the tags from the Prusa phone app using the phone's internal NFC antenna.
Really liking the MMU with integrated box and buffer. I am currently running multiple 10 and 12 color setups on the Mk4( and it has been a pleasure, I really hope you take this into consideration and look into the community mod that still uses the original MMU and gets you an additional 7 colors.
Is there an article or a post that guide how to upgrade from 3.5 to MK4S? (what parts to print, what parts to order? some assembly guidance?)
Thank you
I ordered a Core One yesterday! Although I have been following Prusa for a long time, this is going to be my first Prusa printer, and I'm so glad to be able to support you guys. What sold me is the maintenance and reparability, since I've had issues with build quality and serviceability of (not gonna name that Chinese company) printers.
I have some things to mention, however:
1. The MMU3 should definitely not take up all that side space. That's gonna kill your sales guys. Form factor is everything:
1. It can sit on top the printer or;
2. A slim box of 4 spools that fits on the left side of the printer, think spools stacked vertically, so the box would only be as wide as 2 spools (or 1, if you position the spools 1 in front of the other, maybe it can extend beyond the back of the printer to make it fit), but there would essentially be two rows vertically, making 4 spools. This can be in the form of 2 drawers, a bottom drawer and top drawer (each drawer has 2 spools, one behind the other). This format would add only 4 inches to the entire width of the printer, and might add ~4 inches to the depth of the printer (which doesn't matter because most people's shelves are 24 inches deep. Ideally, this box would use bracket of sorts that fastens it to the side of the printer so moving the machine around is not clumsy, it becomes like one unit. Now, make it into an active drybox and you've just wiped the competition off the floor. You only need 4 spools, because the 5th spool just goes in it's normal spot on the right!
The other thing I wanted to mention is the 290 degree nozzle is OKAY but seems a little bit under powered in my opinion. I print regularly at 300, and sometimes even at 310 for certain filaments… Upping that to 300 would bring the printer up to date with the rest out there.
Those are my only concerns/suggestions, other than the fact that what I really want is a core one in 350x300x300 with active heating up to 80 degrees!
From this article it is not clear to me, but if you want a camera or the filtration system, do you have to order it together with your Core One, or can you also order later and install them later? And if so, is there a price difference between order at the same time vs order seperately.
I would vote for an "on top" solution. Or maybe "hard fixed mounts at the sides/back" if you have to. But having lose spools standing next/around to the printer always was my gripe with the MMUs.
I personally think the MMU needs a ground up approach to fit the new Core One and sit on top, please don't think I want a clone of an AMS but this is a very neat & tidy approach and takes up less space than the current setup. Keep the MMU3 for MK4 etc and have a separate Core One solution. My XL is great and 99% of it is used for multi-colour prints, I and many others would jump on a dedicated Core One solution for MMU printing. I would love to switch out my two MK3S+ to Core Ones but the current MMU system stops me from buying.
While I appreciate multi-material printing, my experience with the MMU for the MK3S+ showed that the setup with all the cables and individual filament spools is simply not practical, especially when space is limited.
I was glad to read in your update that the MMU could potentially be integrated in a way that allows the Core One to sit on top of it. This would not only create a cleaner and more compact setup but also make it easier to manage filament changes and keep the workspace organized.
I’d be thrilled if such a compact solution were implemented – you’d already have a guaranteed customer 😉
Oh god, I just re-read the post and noticed the mention of a cable sleeve—the bane of my existence… I don't mind fixing my printers but wrapping a cable sleeve is just cruel and unusual punishment.
Will the prusa core one (that i've just ordered) bé compatible wit 2kg prusament ??
Best regards
Shipping Prusa Core One starts January 2025?
.. so only 5 hours left?
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Ahhhh my 4s conversion kit for my 4 because I thought I needed it to get the core one. Finding out that there was a bundle upgrade option now is kind of annoying but I probably should have realised this sooner haha
Is the MK4S to Core One conversion kit compatible with the silver PSU? I didn't upgrade to the black PSU with the MK4 upgrade but chose the wiring harness.
I had the same question and ask about it in the customer support chat. it seems that the silver PSU is not compatible with the power panic cable used on the black PSU which CORE One uses. Therefore, you must upgrade to a black PSU.
Which print sheet texture comes standard? Smooth?
Will there be a conversion kit from (MK4S) MMU3 to Core One with MMU3? As you are still experimenting on how to incorporate it into the design. Ultimately, I would like to add MMU3 into the Core one, but ideally it would be a 1-time conversion, instead of first converting a MK4S into Core One and then converting it into one with MMU3.
I would need to know the height of the Core One with MMU3 as on pic 1.
I have an MK4S with MMU3 in an Ikea BROR shelf, and want to upgrade to Core One, but it might get tricky between stabs.
So Joseph….
What are you going to do for those of us that seemingly wasted our money buying the original enclosure? Is it going to get some upgrades? I had to jimmy rig a dry box, feed from that into the spacer, then into the enclosure and into the MMU3. Now this comes out…. Wtf
Ordered core one kit and now saving up for MMU and I personally liked spools on top.
I’ve received the new Core One a few days ago. Works very well so far. Excellent 🙂
Just read about the swing arm. That is not part of my Core One. Will that be made available to customers which don’t have it in their delivered printer?