Hi, this is just a quick update for my customers of people interested in Original Prusa i3 🙂
We print quietly now! One of a few reservations that one might have against my Original Prusa i3 could have been the noise level…
Ever since I built my very first 3D printer, I’ve been driven by the idea of making...
We just started shipping the Prusa CORE One assembled version and opened the orders for kits, and...
Many of you have eagerly awaited an update on the Prusa CORE One and I'm happy to...
Hi, this is just a quick update for my customers of people interested in Original Prusa i3 🙂
We print quietly now! One of a few reservations that one might have against my Original Prusa i3 could have been the noise level…
I always had awesome customers, but from time to time, I get really surprised when they casually show me project so great, I could never imagine it’s possible. Long story short, let me introduce you to Peter Ivancak who is bringing…
It took some time, but we finally finished the ColorPrint app and there is not much to say about it – except that it’s super easy to use and to get some color goodness in your prints. 🙂 I already wrote…
It’s not that long ago when I started to sell the original Prusa i3 kits over at shop.prusa3d.com. I already have users in some pretty exotic destinations like Haiti, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, New Caledonia, Malaysia, Colombia or New Zealand. I…
Did you know, that you don’t actually need a separate nozzle for each colour you want to print? There is an old trick we RepRappers have in our sleeves. But till now no one has mastered it yet.
The idea is really…
Did you buy a Prusa i3 kit, please write about your experience in our Building forum! I would have never ever guessed what Prusa i3 will do to the 3D printing. I mean, it has been over two years since I…
Prusa3D is moving to the new larger offices, so I unfortunately didn’t have much time for PrusaPrinters last few days. But we are expanding and upgrading our printfarm to 16 printers and it brings some interesting challenges we are trying to solve….
This one will be quick and easy. Recently I found out about wonderful feature of Marlin 3D printer firmware called firmware retraction. So what is the difference between firmware retraction and normal retraction made by Slic3r? It is easy, you can…
So after a year with almost no presence online I am back. It’s been a tough year, but everything is better than ever now! I finally got myself around to finish this site. Well, finished … This is only the beginning!…
When I was going through my daily dose o 3D printing news I stumbled upon a beautiful 3D printed ship. I continued reading the article about it and much to my delight it was printed on Prusa i3.
I thought it would be…