Formnext 2023 is just around the corner and we can’t miss the opportunity to be there and meet you. Since Formnext is an event focused on industrial additive manufacturing, we’re also bringing our industrial 3D printers which are developed and manufactured under a separate Prusa Pro brand. I’d like to take this opportunity to explain a bit more the relationship between Prusa Research and Prusa Pro and how it positively impacts our current and future machines.
To avoid any confusion about what the Prusa Pro means in terms of the heading of Prusa Research: I have no intention of making a sharp turn towards an industrial-only company, however, an expansion to another segment makes a lot of sense.
Developing the Future of Our Machines
The industrial machines under the Prusa Pro brand are full of our latest developed technologies, even if it means a higher price. Heated chamber, ultralight print heads made of duralumin, automated print collection, image recognition, high-pressure turbine cooling, 500 °C print heads, 48V motors, automatic resin handling… This is where we can implement it all. The advancements we make here, in the Prusa Pro line, shape the technology in our other products.
But the influence goes both ways. Our industrial machines benefit from the hundreds of thousands of Original Prusa printers around the world and the feedback from all their users. We aim for the same ease of use, with removable print sheets, fully automated calibrations, fine-tuned profiles in PrusaSlicer, and other features that make onboarding of new employees super-easy, barely an inconvenience 🙂. And of course, there is no vendor lock – everything is open for 3rd party materials.
The people working on our Prusa Pro product line form a completely separate, independent team, which has been in operation for over 4 years now. It started with new specialists we hired specifically for this new branch of our company and developers who joined our team when we acquired the FUTUR3D and TRILAB companies. They also have their own manufacturing capacity, whether it’s in a separate building or even in another town. We’ve spent the last ten years building a manufacturing process for our Original Prusa printers and we’re still hiring to cover the huge demand for the MK4, XL and even the MINI+. So slowing down this production with additional products was simply not an option.
What We’re Showing Off at Formnext
This year, we’re bringing three brand-new machines to Formnext from the Prusa Pro line – a new industrial FDM printer Prusa Pro HT90, a concept for our future SLA printers, called the Prusa Pro SLX, and the latest iteration of our Automatic Farm System (AFS).
The Prusa Pro HT90 is a large format, industrial delta kinematics 3D printer. I like to call the Prusa Pro HT90 “the only 3D printer an engineer needs” because it checks so many important boxes. It features an actively heated chamber capable of reaching up to 90 °C (hence HT90), closed-loop HEPA filtration, and nozzle temperature of up to 500 °C, so it’s a great choice for high-temp materials like PCCF or PA11CF.
The HT90 is also the most affordable way to print small-to-medium-sized models from PEI and PEKK-CF. On the other hand, when you decide to print PLA, PETG or ABS, it’s crazy fast – and you don’t even have to open the front door for ventilation like with many other printers. With the high-pressure built-in turbine cooling, it can be used for ultra-fast prototyping, effectively covering a wide range of industrial uses. The Prusa Pro HT90 can deposit 1 kg of PETG or ABS filament in under 8 hours. The unit we’re showing at Formnext is a production-ready prototype and we’re getting ready to start the full production.
If you visit our booth at Formnext, you will also get a sneak peek of our Prusament PEI filament, which we are currently developing and using on the HT90.
Gear shaft printed from Prusament PEI on the Prusa Pro HT90
The other machine is a concept of our next-generation MSLA 3D printer, codenamed Prusa Pro SLX. The team has been working on it ever since we released the SL1S Speed and it has several features not currently available on any other SLA printer on the market. While I don’t want to reveal those just yet, I can give you at least some specifics. The SLX uses a 12K MONO LCD panel for ultra-fine printing, our signature vat tilting mechanism for the fastest layer transitions, and automated material handling.
The same team is also responsible for the Prusa Pro Medical One, our certified SLA printer for biocompatible resins. We showed it at Formnext last year and it has been in production ever since. Plus, it is now integrated into Exocad – the industry-leading CAD software for digital dentistry.
Last, but not least: when you visit our booth at Formnext, you can also check out the latest iteration of the Prusa Pro AFS. We have showcased the AFS before, first as a concept at the Expo Dubai, then at Formnext 2022 as a developer prototype. This year, we‘re showing an actual production unit prototype, which has been expanded with new features. One of the best ones is the Intelligent Shelving System. Once a print is finished, the robotic arm moves the entire print sheet to a modular shelving system while keeping in mind the height of the print (enabling efficient storage). The system also ensures full print traceability via QR codes on the print sheets and features an optical monitoring system with image recognition for automatic print issue detection.
The AFS is powered by an internally-made farm management system and you can, in fact, use it right now. It’s Prusa Connect, of course, and the AFS is where it began.

If you’re interested in the Prusa Pro HT90, the AFS, Medical One or the SLX concept, and can’t make it to Formnext in person, you can schedule a call with our sales team.
You can also reach our sales via email [email protected].
If you’re planning to visit Formnext, me and my team can’t wait to show you both new printers. It is very exciting as we have never before introduced two at the same time and on top of that both are the most advanced we’ve ever made. Plus, we’ll be showing the XL, including a prototype of the enclosure for it, the MK4, MINI+, 4 new recycled Prusament colors and more! PS: We will have beer 😉
Expected Prusa Sl2 update for sl1?
I hope the new resin printer premium functions will not have a negative effect on the possible sl2
I would very much like to see a heatable resin tray, a higher resolution display, and a force sensor for the sl2
But if you get these, what is left in the slx that would make it worth buying at a much higher price?
Maybe the bigger size and a possible automata resin dispenser? Unfortunately, the market is slowly moving past the current sl1s, and if it doesn't receive an appreciable upgrade at a suitable price, then this price, which has been difficult to justify until now, will turn into not justified price at all.
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When will you guys sell the PrusaPro's?
Friday! Of course!
Are you sure because I don't see any Prusa pros at the 3D printers section on this website.
Any rough price estimate for Prusa Pro HT90? Just to know if it makes sense to start saving some scrap money 😀
Lots of scrap money 😇 But I'm curious as well!
Same here. I really have little actual *need* for a delta printer, but the kinematics are just so darn cool that I really really want one. I already have my bed slinger and core xy, this would fill out the set.
The Trilab DeltiQ 2 is around $3300 US, so I'd expect the HT90 to be at least $1000 more expensive given that it's a business product and it has more features.
Is prusa going to pull a makerbot on us?
"Someone" was feeling naughty when writing this professional lineup intro 😀
"super-easy, barely an inconvenience"…
"no vendor lock – everything is open for 3rd party materials"…
then the remark about door opening for PLA…
Well played, sir. Well played indeed 🙂
“Wow wow wow wow. Wow.”
Are there Pro versions of Haribo to go with the industrial printers?
A little fruustrated seeing Prusa adding more printers, but can't even ship the ones they announced two years ago.
If I preorder this now, shipping expected in 2028?
As is explained in the article, these printers are developed and manufactured by seperate teams, it has no effect on the XL, MK4 and MMU (and vice-versa).
But that's not how things work. Any funds destined to buying those two companies and hiring people for those teams could have been spent instead in building up production capacity or advancing the development of the "consumer" Prusa line of product. They though they had the consumer market under control and a couple of years ago started investing in entering the profesional market. Keep in mind businesses of this size usually plan what thei are going to do at least two years in advance, these things take time. They did not expect a wild Bambulab to appear.
Just to be clear, I am not mad at them, they did what they thought best for their business, professional products have a higher margin I would assume so it was smart to try and get a piece of that market.
Could anyone share the likelihood of being able to purchase a 'Prusa Pro AFS' single printer (seems like a fast corexy – what everybody wants)? I'm looking for one with high print speeds, an enclosure suitable for ABS/ASA materials, and with both a removable top and front door. I'm hesitant to opt for a Bambu Lab model, even though the P1S seems appealing :-/
@Josef: Please :-/
1. HT90 and SLX build volume?
2. Active heating Prusa XL enclosure?
3. AFS module (M/L) printer – factory enclosed, active heating, 2x toolchanger and 27x27x27cm build volume at a 1500$ish price range?
4. SL2 as DLP printer with 20×12×20cm volume, autorefill and active heater ?
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Give me a 2ft x 2ft print area for custom 19" server rack enclosures