In my previous article, I’ve shown you how to create a spare part for an office chair using OpenSCAD. And I have also encouraged the readers to try and modify the values in the code to see how they affect the…
Ever since I built my very first 3D printer, I’ve been driven by the idea of making...
We just started shipping the Prusa CORE One assembled version and opened the orders for kits, and...
Many of you have eagerly awaited an update on the Prusa CORE One and I'm happy to...
In my previous article, I’ve shown you how to create a spare part for an office chair using OpenSCAD. And I have also encouraged the readers to try and modify the values in the code to see how they affect the…
A little over a month ago, I mentioned that our Multi Material Upgrade 2.0 is close to being shipped. And I’m happy to announce, that the time is now! We have just started shipping the MMU 2.0 to first customers. I’m…
As promised, we have prepared another article about more-or-less common 3D printing errors. In the first part, we were dealing mainly with the first layer and the ways how to make it just right. This time, we will take a closer look…
If you don’t like juggling SD cards and consider Raspberry Pi with Octoprint too difficult to set up, then we might have the right solution for you: Toshiba FlashAir SD cards. There are already various posts about these Wi-Fi enabled cards…
It’s been a pretty long time since my last update on the Prusa Research status and I have loads of great news, so let’s get to it!
Shipping and support
Multi Material 2.0
Slic3r PE 1.40.1
Inconsistent extrusion
Firmware 3.3.1
When we travel the world to show off our 3D printers, people often ask us not only about our machines but also about the 3D printed models we usually bring with us. And, please excuse us, but we would like to…
How do you 3D print something? Well, that’s easy: get an STL model, load it into a slicer app, generate a G-code, upload it to a 3D printer and that’s it! But what if you can’t find the desired STL file…
The default nozzle diameter for most of today’s printers is 0.4 mm, and the nozzles used in Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ and the MINI printers are no exception. Changing the nozzle takes just a few minutes and it can bring a…
The main focus of our previous articles was often the pre-production or production phase of 3D printing process: how to cut an object, how to print supports or how to fix errors in 3D models. One could get the idea that…
The core of FDM technology is extruding melted plastic, where each layer is laid on top of the previous, already cooled down and solidified layer. There has to be something to lay the new layer on, otherwise the plastic just drips down…