Ever since I built my very first 3D printer, I’ve been driven by the idea of making 3D printing more accessible. Part of that was dreaming about a slicer that runs on any device and is so seamless that anyone can use it. And we’re finally making it happen! After countless hours of development and testing, I’m proud to introduce Prusa EasyPrint! It’s a total game-changer: slicing on phones and tablets has never been easier. And yet, I think this is one of those features that will feel completely normal in a few months, and we’ll wonder how we ever lived without it.
Removing the Barrier of Slicing – What Is EasyPrint?
Even though many of us are completely used to dragging and dropping models into PrusaSlicer and picking a default profile, it’s not as easy as it sounds for newcomers. Just the fact that you need to install a new app is a small inconvenience. Then, you also have to go through the wizard to import the right profiles for your printer. You have to know where to click to select the right material, and so on.
With EasyPrint, all of this is streamlined and extremely simplified. It is the easiest, most seamless slicing you’ve ever experienced.
You’re browsing Printables on your phone, PC, or tablet. You find a model you like, and a single click takes you straight to a 3D preview. It automatically detects your printer(s) in PrusaConnect, applies the right profiles (like 0.15 Structural) and all you have to do is click PRINT.
It’s packed with handy and intuitive features. If you want to, you can quickly move, rotate, or scale models, use the place-on-face feature, auto-arrange larger numbers of models on one or more virtual print beds, and so on. We even implemented a simple “cart” for Printables, so you can add more models to this cart while you browse Printables and then print them all at once.
You can also alter basic settings – print quality, infill, supports. But that’s it. Anything more complex is intentionally kept behind the scenes and automatically configured.
Remember when we launched Printables (back then called PrusaPrinters.org) and highlighted the ability to share G-codes? The goal was the same: making 3D printing more accessible. And I think I can argue that it was way before its time. People had security concerns about sharing G-codes, and links to Printables even got banned on the 3D Printing subreddit. EasyPrint is a whole different level. Compared to slicing your model on the fly from a browser or phone, sharing unmodifiable G-codes now feels a bit like a stone-age approach.
Who Is This For?
Beginners: Slicing can feel overwhelming if you’re new to 3D printing, but EasyPrint removes that barrier. No complicated settings, and no profile setups – just click, slice, and print. Anyone can do this, no prior experience is required. No need for guides and tutorials.
Chromebook Users (Schools): No need to install specialized software or wrestle with system restrictions. Students and teachers can simply open a tab, prepare their 3D models, and send them off to print. Or download the G-code to a USB thumb drive.
Tablet power users: Using Shapr3D on your iPad for modelling? (I sometimes do!) You don’t need to transfer the file to your PC in order to slice it.
Your Non-3D-Printing Family: Tired of being the “print on demand” person for everyone in your life? Now your partner, kids, siblings, or parents can handle their own projects.
Slicing on the go (or from the couch): If you’re already comfortable with slicers, Prusa EasyPrint is still a great convenience. You can start a print from your phone while relaxing on the couch—perfect for when you know you’d use the default settings anyway.
How Does It Work And Are We Forcing You Into a Cloud Service?
We’re sure this will be copied in no time, so there is really no reason to be secretive about how this works. 🙂 Prusa EasyPrint is a clean, responsive web application that lets you move 3D models around and set a few basic settings.
It’s tightly integrated with our services like Printables and the mobile Prusa app, so it knows what printers you have, what material is loaded, and whether your printer is ready to go. It can easily import models from Printables, but also from your local storage.
Once you hit Print, it sends the whole scene to PrusaSlicer running on a powerful server, which generates a G-code and sends it to your printer.
If you’re reading this, you might be thinking: Oh no—another way to lock users into a cloud platform. I actually hope that concern crossed your mind because it’s an important issue these days. Let me explain why it’s not the case here.
First of all, Prusa EasyPrint is completely optional. If you prefer, you can stick to using PrusaSlicer locally on your computer and never touch Prusa EasyPrint at all. In fact, Prusa EasyPrint isn’t really a slicer—it’s a web front-end that generates 3MF files compatible with most modern slicers. The interface runs on your device (even phones and tablets are powerful enough for that) while the actual slicing happens in the cloud on our servers. We use the same version of PrusaSlicer that we publicly release; you can find its source code on GitHub. The web front-end isn’t open-source (similar to Printables or PrusaConnect), however, because the frontend depends on PrusaSlicer and its performance and features, we’re more motivated than ever to keep improving our standalone application.
In fact, one of my favorite features is how seamlessly the two work together.
At any point, you can hit a button to download your project and open it in PrusaSlicer on your computer. Everything (models, orientations, settings) gets saved as a 3MF file. From there, you can fine-tune it with advanced tools like paint-on supports or custom modifiers. Then you can simply export the G-code file, put it on a USB drive, or send it to your printer via your local network.
Most importantly, there is no other way to enable slicing on, for example, $200 Android tablets and phones. Trust me, we tried. Basic things, like RAM limitations, on such devices are so strict that we failed in our attempts, so at least for the foreseeable future, this is the only way to provide this functionality.
I also hope our track record speaks for itself. Security is one of our main selling points, our printers can be found in top companies, universities, and research institutions around the world.
The app is designed to run all the PrusaSlicer-derived slicers (Orca, BambuStudio, and loads of others) on the back end interchangeably. So I will tease a little bit that we plan to open this to even non-Prusa 3D printer users in the future. Of course, the time frame is not set in stone because we need to get all the information from testing and we need to be sure everything is stable after we onboard all the Prusa users. Printables are meant to be for everyone. We do not want to make any walled garden. Actually, quite the opposite – we want 3D printing to be easier for everyone. 🧡
Use It With Offline Printers
We’ve included an “Add offline printer” button to let you select printers not connected to the internet. So you can use the cloud slicing and simple user interface to slice a model for a printer that runs offline. In the end, you simply download the G-code and transfer it to the printer via USB / SD card.
Early Access and Future Plans
What we’re launching today is a large-scale test to help us understand what kind of processing power is needed, server costs, and other factors. We’ve been testing it internally since December, so we already have a good baseline. However, real-world usage will give us valuable data on the server load and overall performance. If the costs are reasonable, I would love to keep this free for everyone, with some reasonable limitations.
Currently, you can only have one job running at a time (there is an internal queue system). In practice, this shouldn’t really be noticeable. But if you try to open EasyPrint in multiple tabs and slice them all at once, you’ll discover you have to wait before the current project finishes slicing. What you may encounter, though, is that the app currently refuses to slice huge, extremely detailed models, or models with lots of supports (e.g., projects that would take a very long time to slice even on a powerful PC). Lastly, there is a total slicing time limit that refreshes every 24 hours, but again, we don’t expect users to hit the limit under normal circumstances.
Looking into the future, I assume there will be quite a few feature requests. Such as storing the projects conveniently in the cloud so you can access them from anywhere (currently they are stored on the local device), faster or unlimited slicing, sharing the storage with PrusaConnect and so on. Those could fit into some sort of paid package, but we’ll only go that route if the features provide real value.
How to Get an Invite
The early access is based around an invite system, which will allow us to gradually scale the number of users. We’ve sent a couple hundred invites already to selected users. Apart from being able to use Prusa EasyPrint right away, they can each invite a few others. And the first 100 to fill out this simple form will be invited later today. 🙂 Your Printables handle is used as the unique identifier for the invite. We wanted to make sure people wouldn’t be sharing their email addresses with strangers online.
Once you’re in, you can start using Prusa EasyPrint right away. If you have invites to share, you’ll see an Invite button in the menu. Clicking it opens a window showing how many invites you have left. You can search by username or handle to send an invite, and the recipient will get an email or push notification. When you run out of invites, the button disappears.
Feedback Needed!
This is just the beginning. We know there’s room for improvement, like deeper mobile app integration and more features. If you try Prusa EasyPrint, let us know what you think. Share your feedback, report any bugs, or tell us how it could be even better.
Happy printing!
That sounds very promising.
I have multiple printers from different companies.
Most of them are connected to octoprint so I can slice on my PC and click print without carrying usb-sticks or micro-sd cards through the house. My printers have there own room. So I only go there if the printer has a problem, I want to change the filament or the print is ready.
I have also one newer Anycubic printer which doesn't work with octoprint. As there version of octoprint isn't compatible with my PC I often use there android app. But slicing is very basic. I can't change filament type, temperature, speed or print multiple objects at once.
When I want to slice something more complicated I have to go to the printing room. Grab the USB-Stick. Carry it to my PC, copy the gcode, carry the USB-Stick back and can then start the print.
It's such a hassle to just take a look on the camera the check that the print bed is cleare. Slice and start the print from remote.
I doesn't care if I can print from outside of my home network. The printers aren't exposed to the Internet. But being able to print from everywhere in the house. From any device. I would love to see that.
Sluzba je pro ovce, ne IT profesionaly. Uz vidim ze neumi slicovat, ale klido si nainstaluje linuxovy os na rpi, zasituje a pak si na to da slicer a propoji s easy cmoud offline print.
Lovely now can you raise the 1GB limit on files on Prusa connect please?
Or put in a paid level! I am happy to pay… I have 7gb of files I have to juggle around constantly, which makes the service a bit pointless. I've been promised it would raise via chat and other support people – even as a test case. But nothing.
An option to self host this would be crazy cool. Lots of us nerds these days have decently powerful homelab setups, potentially publishing it as a docker container or something would be amazing!
That was also my first thought when I read the announcement. Being able to selfhost the server side would be wonderful!
No thanks. I don't need anything like this, and it makes me worried that there's a long term plan to discontinue the PC client. I really hate using web based CAD-like applications.
Hm, not sure where you're getting that. The cloud service isn't even a slicer. It's just a frontend that packages a config file that's sent to a server running the same Prusaslicer you run on desktop (which is open source.) Even if Prusa wanted to shut down the desktop slicer (which Josef explicitly said is not the case) the Prusa team would have to write a whole new closed-source slicer from scratch. That just doesn't make sense to me.
Thanks! This will be exciting for some of our customers that are not power users.
Will that also work with my Octoprint?
I Think with Little work "yes" It's "Described"in the section Offline Printer
V1 – You Slice it Online ->Download GCode–>Upload to the Octoprint
V2 -You Slice It Online –> Download directly to Network Share SMB that is mounted in Octoprint
Thank you for the reply, Houdis. That's more complicated than expected.
#Send G-Code to printer host #Upload and Print
remains easier than
#Export G-Code #Physical Printer #Upload #Navigate to Folder #Open #Select File #Start Print
I wonder why that has been made more complicated than in the Slic3r/PrusaSlicer to Octoprint combination, when EasyPrint is a "frontend [that] depends on PrusaSlicer and its performance and features" (Josef Prusa)
"I wonder why that has been made more complicated than in the Slic3r/PrusaSlicer to Octoprint combination, when EasyPrint is a "frontend [that] depends on PrusaSlicer and its performance and features" (Josef Prusa)"
My suspicion is where the PrusaSlicer that is being used is installed makes the difference. On your (and my) home machines PrusaSlicer is installed on a computer on your home (or business) network, the same network that your OctoPrint is on. With this EasyPrint app, PrusaSlicer is installed on Prusa's servers (or a server service that they are contracting) which can't see your OctoPrint. Prusa's servers can see your printer if you have it logged into PrusaConnect.
I love it!
I understand the need to KISS, but I do think the ability to choose a perimeter count or thickness would be vital. For example, dart blasters are often printed with thick walls. If I have to open a project in local PrusaSlicer anyway, it kind of makes this tool a lot less useful. I honestly believe that one extra option will be all that's needed for it to be much more useful.
100% agree – I FREQUENTLY lower infill and raise wall count when I need strong prints.
Infill should be renamed “internal support” as that’s really all it does.
My phone can't handle the web app very smoothly and its to small on my screen. So I tried on my Desktop pc. Hmm ok this makes less sense, because prusaslicer is one click away and absolutely better choice.
My go to filament is not part of prusaslicer library and I have my filaments tuned to my needs. Additionally I modified my prusa mini and need special settings. Nothing I can set in easyPrint, so it's absolutly useless to me.
Besides of my special situation, I see how less options you have as problematic. It feels like having a touch screen but firmware didn't support it 😉
Tested with two prints from the pixel 7a mobile. The performance in those two prints has been perfect.
Perhaps it is not as intuitive as I would like, the little space that the mobile screen gives as well as the change in some icons makes it something different from what prusaslicer is used to. For example, the duplicate of a model does not have direct access and is included in the group that allows changing position and orientation. At first I thought I would duplicate the model using the plus icon in the main panel.
Any chance there is an invite left? I would be highly interested.
Finally alternative to Creality Print. 👍
I meant Creality Cloud.
Finally alternative to Creality Cloud. 👍
I understand the point, and it might be useful for some users. However, it's not a feature I was personally hoping for, as I'm not exactly in the target group.
While it's neat to be able to slice from any web client, I would much prefer the ability to seamlessly synchronize profiles and settings between computers. This would replace the profile sync that I have hacked together myself.
Meanwhile, as another feature is added to PrusaConnect, I can't help but wonder why local LAN functionality seems to be practically stripped of its capabilities. If the printer can provide certain functionalities through PrusaConnect, then the same should be available through a local web interface (PrusaLink). After all, the web server is already there, capable of providing LAN speeds and bandwidth for tasks like streaming video.
I fully recognize the potential of cloud systems like PrusaConnect, but I absolutely dislike being forced to use cloud-connected services for tasks on my own network. It's even more frustrating knowing that a local web interface could be more responsive and offer better features, such as a live video stream.
Can I have an invite?
"LAN functionality seems to be practically stripped of its capabilities" because it's the printer itself running the webserver, and that's fairly demanding on the CPU. When it's printing, calculating IS and LA on the fly, the cpu is pretty much fully loaded. We have plans in the pipeline to change the way PrusaLink works and offload the demanding tasks on the client, with changed API to make this work.
Couch slicing for the win. Looking forward to local distributed prusaslicer integration. We could have our cloud and eat it too 🙂
Excellent work!
My Mk3.5s connected via Prusa Connect is displayed as not supported. Is this a bug?
Where would the right plattform for feedback be?
Thanks in advance 🙂
I have already tested a few models with the new function and it works perfectly so far.
What only works to a limited extent is uploading models from a smartphone.
It works via the Printables website, but if I go to Printables via the app, I cannot upload models from a smartphone.
I’m late to the party! I’ve been dreaming of this for years!!! Anyone want to share one of your invites? @stoker_82302
I got an invite from my new hero! Let the testing commence!
This looks great, Does any kind soul have a invite available please? 🙂
The timing on this is great for me! I just replaced my dead Windows 10 laptop with a Raspberry Pi 5, which can't run the latest versions of PrusaSlicer. Evidently, the RaspberryPi folks don't have OpenGL 3.2 on the Pi 5 yet, which is a requirement for the latest (and thus most-available) versions of PrusaSlicer. I was just looking at trying to find and then manually install an older version of PrusaSlicer, and losing all the features of the new versions, but that also seems to be a challenge since the move to FlatPaks for distribution.
If someone that is already on EasyPrint would be willing to send me an invite, I would be back to printing and very grateful.
Can I please get an invite? My computer was destroyed and I would like to continue printing while I save up for a new PC. Thanks in advance. @Timbo_2966751
Wow, this sounds like an amazing breakthrough! Prusa EasyPrint is really pushing the boundaries of accessibility for 3D printing. It's great to see such a seamless experience being created for newcomers, Chromebook users, and even those who want to slice on the go. The integration with PrusaSlicer and the cloud slicing aspect makes the process so much simpler and more flexible, especially for those who want to print without the hassle of complex settings or profiles.
As someone who’s always on the lookout for efficient and user-friendly solutions in 3D printing, I’m excited to see how this evolves. I can definitely imagine the convenience of slicing directly from a phone or tablet! I also appreciate that this approach doesn’t lock users into a cloud platform, and it's reassuring to hear about the emphasis on security.
I’m definitely looking forward to seeing more improvements, especially with the mobile app integration and other features in the future. The early access invite system sounds like a great way to scale and ensure smooth performance, and I’d love to be part of the testing process. Count me in for future updates, and I’ll be sure to share my feedback once I try it out!
And by the way, alostoratv <a href="https://alostoratv.org/"> alostoratv </a>is really excited to see how this will impact the community! Keep up the awesome work!
I tested this feature a bit and i love it.
However i have a bug where the MMU3 of my MK3S is not detected, so i can't chose a which filament is used. It only shows one Material slot. Prusaslicer is detecting it correctly and is showing the status of the printer with a green dot.
The workaround is to define a offline Printer mk3s with mmu3 and upload the gcode via prusa connect.
Wäre eine gute Ergänzung, aber erst einmal die User anlocken und dann nicht sagen, wann alle Zugriff darauf haben. Nur auserwählte dürfen es ausprobieren. Wenn es nach der Prusa Zeit geht, wird es wohl noch länger dauern…
Very nice feature, thanks for the effort on the development team 👍
Currently the Easy Print replaces the Slice in PrusaSlicer/Orca Slicer. Is it possible to get both functions? Thanks!
If anyone has an invite left, would love to test this new feature!
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Will a self-hostable option be available at some point?
And whats the story with other printers? I got in and only have a Creality at the moment but would love to use this (and would love to not touch Creality cloud)
More than happy to test stuff out as well
I was excited about the prospect of Easy Print to be able to print my modeling program models from my tablet. However there is a problem. The Easy Print software is extremely conservative, it is adding supports and brims for everything. My Mark 4S has great bed adhesion for PLA parts on the PEI sheet. Small, short parts were already hard to remove, now having these with a brim increases the difficulty to remove them as well adding the additional difficult step of removing the brim. Easy Print should have either showed the brim before I submitted the print job or made it possible to turn brim off. The additional after printing processing negates the advantage of using Easy Print.
In the offchance that someone reading this this late still has an invite – @AlexSchladets_315786 would greatly appreciate it. Would be much nicer than my current set up of remoting in to a VM running on my server to slice things OTG lmao.
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Any idea when more users will be invited ?
I really really would love to test this.
Danke für die Aufnahme bin sehr begeistert von Easy Print.
Tolle Arbeit an das Prusa Team
LG Harald