We are adding two new accessories to our lineup: the smart XL Enclosure and due to popular requests, we also decided to create a special compact enclosure for the MINI.


If you are not familiar with the concept of an enclosure – it’s an accessory that covers your printer from all sides and provides a stable printing environment with increased temperatures. This enables easier printing with advanced materials, such as PCCF, Nylon, PP, ASA, and many others, as it also helps to prevent warping and eliminates drafts. The Enclosure also lowers printer noise and covers every moving part of your printer, increasing its safety. Last but not least, an enclosure prevents dust build-up on moving parts, which helps to keep the printer running smoothly and reduces the frequency of maintenance required.

XL Enclosure

The XL Enclosure is designed to be seamlessly integrated with the rest of the printer. Not just the physical parts, but also the software: when you flash the latest firmware, a new menu becomes available on the LCD touchscreen called Enclosure. Because the Enclosure is directly connected to the mainboard of the printer, you can configure a number of useful features. You can set up the filtration performance and even post-print filtration duration (e.g. when you print from materials such as ASA or PCCF) so that the system runs for additional time to filter out all particles produced during the print job.


The XL Enclosure has a built-in Advanced Filtration System featuring a HEPA filter with 99,9% filtration efficiency. Not only does it prevent the spread of ultra-fine particles (UFPS) into the air, but it also absorbs odors during printing. Air is drawn in from below and passed through the HEPA filter out of the XL Enclosure. The XL Enclosure is equipped with an additional LED, which is synchronized with the printer, and apart from the illumination of the print area, it also serves as the printer status indication light. The firmware also tracks the lifespan of the HEPA filter.

The temperature of the printer inside the enclosure is closely monitored at all times. Smart fan profiles and integrated vents ensure that all components and parked toolheads stay within the recommended operating temperatures. There are, of course, numerous safety features in place (with fan error checks and RPM monitoring).


The XL Enclosure has two main parts: the upper part with the hatch that enables easy access to individual toolheads, and the lower part featuring a quick-release bellows cover.

The bellows cover is made of high-quality and durable polyester and polyurethane and covers the printer’s lower part to help maintain a stable temperature. Why didn’t we choose a simple little door? Some materials, such as PLA do not like increased temperatures and need to be printed at regular ambient temperatures. The bellows cover can be quickly folded, creating much better airflow from three sides to maintain optimal conditions for these materials. And unlike (big) doors on a hinge, the folded cover doesn’t take up any extra space on the sides or in front of the printer. This ensures you will be able to print any material without limitations. Also, it gives you much better access to the entire printing area.


MINI Enclosure

The MINI Enclosure is based on the Original Enclosure for MK3S+/MK4 printers, so while it has smaller dimensions, the overall construction is very similar and we decided to give it pretty much the same features from its larger sibling, meaning that you can expand it with useful optional add-ons, such as the Advanced Filtration System, an ideal solution for printing with filaments that produce odors and ultra-fine particles.


You can also install a mechanical lock, which prevents unauthorized access to your 3D printer – an ideal solution for schools, hackerspaces, and other public places. There is also an optional LED Strip to illuminate the print area. And even though our 3D printers are known to be extremely reliable and safe, we’re also offering a fire suppression system mainly due to the requirements of certain institutions (schools, hackerspaces, etc.) where there is a frequent requirement to have a fire suppression system.


You can create your own 3D-printed add-ons or download user-made mods from Printables.com. So feel free to make it your own! Add various holders and storage compartments, design cool decorations, and give the enclosure a truly unique look.

Despite its compact dimensions, the MINI is capable of big things. It can handle printing from advanced materials and supports Input Shaper and Pressure Advance thanks to a recent firmware release which nearly doubled its print speed! You can see for yourself in the video below. It’s an ideal entry point to the world of 3D printing and a great choice when you don’t have a lot of space in your workshop.

Discount for XL and MINI owners, printer bundles

We want to give priority to all of you who already own an XL or MINI, so this is why we decided to offer only the standalone enclosures for now, while the printer+enclosure bundles will become available two weeks later. Furthermore, if you currently own an XL or a MINI, you will receive a discount voucher via e-mail by the end of this week. Since you didn’t have the opportunity to buy a printer+enclosure bundle before, we want to offer you a similar deal retroactively this way. If you own more than one XL/MINI and would like to buy multiple enclosures, reach out to our support via Live Chat or E-mail and they will create additional vouchers for you.

Happy printing!