Did you buy a Prusa i3 kit, please write about your experience in our Building forum! I would have never ever guessed what Prusa i3 will do to the 3D printing. I mean, it has been over two years since I started working on it together with folks from RepRap IRC (Hi Kliment and Joachim) and over the time designs have been perfected and it makes a wonderful workhorse 3D printer!

So, I was searching for some parts on Alibaba and I kinda searched for Prusa. Ohhh, that ego 😀 Do you remember the scene from Californication where Hank was googling himself? Only us, nerds, search their names on Alibaba 😀 Well, I knew I will find something. BUT I didn’t expect 2051 offers of full kits, WOW! That brings me back to the idea I had couple of days ago. I need to get one of these Chinese kits and do a write up how to calibrate them and mod them to print great. Loads of people ask me how to calibrate RepRaps and this is good example. Fun note, some ppl actually contact my company and want their Chinese kit repaired under warranty, just because it has my name on it 😉

While scrolling through, I stumbled upon one funny offer stating it is better than Prusa i3. I realised it became a benchmark for 3D printers. Community around RepRap and Prusa did a lot of work enabling people to use Open Source 3D printers! RepRaps are constantly attacking top positions on 3DHubs!



And actually this happens quite regularly, second mention off the top of my head is on 3Dprint.com where I usually get my daily dose of bullshit press release copy&paste articles 🙂



So please, if you bought a kit let me know about your experiences in the forum so I can write some more guides 😉 Thanks for the support!